
Improve Your Brain

We like to think of the human brain as being composed of structures, soup and sparks.  The structures, such as the frontal lobes or the limbic system, are usually dedicated to one or m0re functions that enable us to navigate through the world.  Soup is more properly known as the neurochemistry of the brain.  Neurochemicals such as Serotonin or Acetylcholine inhibit or promote the expression of neural transmission across the brain.  Sparks refers to the electrical activity of the brain.  When a neuron, the basic building block of the cortex , fires a small amount of electricity is generated.  An electroencephalogram measures this electrical activity.   

A sample brain map

A sample brain map

At HVCNF, we examine the patterns of this electrical activity at 19 sites on the scalp and then receive a brain map which tells us how well the electrical patterns match up against a normative sample.  The information contained in the brain map enable us to create a treatment protocol which then promotes a more normative pattern of electrical firing.  As the brain’s electrical activity approaches the norm, the individual begins to notice positive changes.  The inattentive person is better able to focus and/or concentrate, the anxious person becomes calmer, and the depressed person is more optimistic in his/her outlook.  Changing the electrical activity of the brain is an efficient and long lasting method of bringing about medication free improvement in the brain.